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About TRNITY: 


As professional pickleball players and instructors, we have been challenged for years in finding the perfect paddle to gain a competitive advantage over our opponents. We want what all players want… more spin, power, and more control. It is very rare to find a paddle with these three things. As a result, TRNITY was founded and paddle testing began. It took us two years and over 250 samples to create our Revolution and Power paddles. Whether you’re a beginner looking for more power, an intermediate player looking to develop third shot control, or an advanced competitor looking for maximum spin, power, and control, we have a TRNITY paddle to improve your game. 


About the Owner – Brenden Dollard:

I began my sports career as a tennis player growing up in Pittsburgh. I was #1 in Western Pennsylvania juniors and eventually went off to Penn State and played tennis there. After graduation, I found a new passion in pickleball. The original goal for TRNITY was to allow me to get more involved in the sport and create a paddle to have a competitive advantage in tournament play. None of the big box brands had exactly what I was looking for. As a result, I went on a two-year journey of creating and testing over 250 paddles by manipulating cores, glues, face materials, paints, weights, handle supports, flexion points, and more. The result was game-changing paddles for beginner to advanced players.

When the time came to decide on a business name I turned to my faith in God and chose the name TRNITY. I love the way God wired me gave me this opportunity to leave an impact in the world. I believe God has inspired and prepared me to spread his name and help others.


The Trnity Logo:

And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth. – Genesis 8:11


In the Old Testament, Noah was told by God that the earth would be flooded to purge the world of evil. Noah was guided by God how to build an ark to preserve his family and the animals of the earth. After the flood covered the earth, Noah sent our ravens and doves in search of hope for receding water and dry land. When a dove returned with a fresh olive branch, Noah understood that God’s promise of a new beginning was being fulfilled. The Trnity logo represents this new beginning and faith in God. Our logo consists of four components. 

  1. The top of the TRNITY logo is a peak representing Mt. Ararat - the mountain the ark eventually rested on and symbolizing a new beginning for God’s people

  2. The dove in the middle of the logo represents hope and resilience

  3. The water below represents the challenges God helps us through every day

  4. The hidden fourth component to our logo are two olive branches placed in a wreath and wrapped around the “USA Pickleball Approved” logo. The branches represents the good news that God is always with us and wants a better life for his faithful servants.

Our paddles are designed to excel in performance but also, like a rainbow, to remind us of God’s grace every time we see the TRNITY logo.

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